Monday 28 March 2011


(Wrote this long back but it still holds true...its not raining..but the traffic..the anticipation of victory excuse to leap up and dance...still teasing the controlled 'professional' facade!! read on my heroes..)

It's raining. White streaks of water etching out the grays. The gray bridge, traffic, sky with occasional red, gold and green. Huge hoardings almost an eyesore instills some life in the stillness of the cars desperate to stretch their limbs. Wipers seem to be showing off their easy sways clearing away the thick droplets from the windscreen.
After few crawling kilometers in my taxi, a loud crowd jolts me out of my morning slumber. What's going on? Is it a riot? But to my relief the crowd was joyous. I go back to my sleep. Somehow the serpentine row of enthusiastic rain-soaked people doesn't seem to end. Must be a minister visiting. Don't these people have threatening bosses to report to? Lie detector swipe machines in the offices? Are they paid to stand like that? But the smiles look genuine. My neurons were short circuiting by now. Nothing made sense. It was not a political rally as the crowd was actually enthusiastic.
And then, I saw the hoarding of hoardings. Welcoming the Great Indian Cricket team. The winners. Alexander the Great would not have enjoyed this adulation. Everyone loves a hero. It’s uncanny how people blatantly celebrate and bask in reflected glory. A temporary lapse of reality. Who cares about a job lost or feelings of being non-existent in this human infested city? It's the present that counts. At present the glimpse of the winners will save us from our penury. So what if it's a lie? A borrowed moment of triumph. We are connected. Why would we feel so happy otherwise? We must be one like the saints claim. At least a part of me is a winner. Yes, indeed. My cynicism escapes in a yawn. Eyelids close the door to this farce. Let's catch up with some rest before reaching the office.

Ramona and beezus!

must see!

Sucker for life!

In our six fish aquarium the most low profile of the lot is Chipkoo, our sucker fish.
We tend to get nervous looking at chipkoo trying to figure out his life-status. He is so still that he might as well be dead. Then almost to spare us the anxiety he reluctantly moves his fin for a nanosecond.
This morning i saw chipkoo absolutely still and not moving but much to my horror way outside the fish tank on the floor. It was almost surreal to see him glued to the room floor. I was completely spooked. I meekly requested my dad to pick him up and left the room in panic...and dad came back with the good news that chipkoo was alive and jumped from his hand when he tried to pick him chipkoo is back into his wet watery home.
Its weird isn't it? Many questions were fighting for attention...did i just witness a fish attempt suicide?
like jumping out the water..the way in our old movies heroines jumped into the sea? how did he come out? what made him jump out?
The deafening silence of  the still fish..a pathetic attempt at second guessing the motives of the most meditative fish of the lot. The sage. His single minded purposeful living mostly cleaning up the world (fishtank water) to make it liveable for all. A life so still !
Chipkoo got sucked back into the life in water. Now glued back to the surface of the fishtank. Alive. Still moving his fin for that nano second assuring the care takers of his wellbeing.
Maybe its profound. Maybe its just that a fish jumped out of the tank and was found alive and put back into the world he was trying to escape. No one will ever know. What say you?